"The notion that such persons are gay of heart and carefree is curiously untrue. They lead, as a matter of fact, an existence of jumpiness and apprehension. They sit on the edge of the chair of Literature. In the house of Life they have the feeling that they have never taken off their overcoats."
- James Thurber, My Life and Hard Times

Saturday, July 3, 2021

Another new way to look at the data

 I'm always looking to be a better person.

It's entirely possible that this is dysfunctional behavior on my part. What does it say about someone when they are never satisfied with who they are and are constantly reaching for a firmer grip on what makes themselves tick.

Who am I looking for?


Oh, well. This is the way.

I stumbled across an article about productive/purposeful journaling (I wish I could attribute this to where I got it--I THINK it was on the Sivana website). The prompts indicated that it was something you would do for a week, then revisit at various points in time. I printed it out and tried it. And I really liked it, so I thought I'd share it with you, one day at a time. 

I'll post them a day ahead so you can be prepared for the next day. 

*One Caveat to This: I write each question in my journal before I answer them, and change the "you" to "I/me" to point the spotlight onto myself.


Journal about your motivations and goals.

  • What is your purpose?
  • What is your why? 
  • What does your life look like when you are at your happiest?
Open your books, turn the page, and write.

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